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Position:Home>Dancing> What kind of ballroom dance has the most dips involved?


What kind of ballroom dance has the most dips involved?

Particularly the really sexy kind where the guy sweeps the girl around in a circle. I'm just curious... My guess is that it's the tango, but I wanted to know how many other dances can involve lots of dips :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think they are called drops. Rumba and Paso Doble have the most drops, in my opinion.

Salsa can have dips/drops as well. There is one figure that is called Death Drop. It look pretty impressive if done well. Salsa (for performance, not social) can incorporate all sorts of elements, not only dips. It can be lifts and drops.

International Tango (or Waltz or Foxtrot for that matter) doesn't have any dips, it has so-called "line figures". Unless you do Theater Arts version of it, where you can do pretty much whatever you want. Line figures look very nice, but as opposed to a drop, the lady is fully supporting her own weight. If the guy were to let go she wouldn't fall on the floor. In a drop, she still supports most of her own weight, but not all of it. If the guy were to let go she'd stuggle very hard to regain balance or fall alltogether. Among Standard dances, Tango is the most dramatic. Even a simple Contracheck might look like a "dip".