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Dance Question(s)?

Have any of you ever done competion dance? Is it hard? Is it scary? Can you make up your own dance? Do you have to be a certain age? Please tell me absoulutly EVERYTHING you know about competion and your experiances doing it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: competions are great, typically the competition classes are harder because your will be dancing for judges not just for parents at a recital and the judges know what the dance should look like more or less, it is only scary for a little while, most of the time instructors make up the dance, there are catagories for all ages for little kids to senior adults. My experinces have been mostly great but i have been to a couple competitions that didnt seem fair because everybody pretty much got the same medal, silver for one because they were very picky and gold for the other because they let a lot of stuff go.