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How can I make my turns better?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: (I'm assuming your starting in second or fourth position) Take your position as if you were getting ready to turn. Check you alignment. Is your back straight and not curved? Is your rear end sticking out? Are you centered in your position (particularly fourth). Make sure your stomach is pulled in. The harder you spot, the more rotations you will be able to get. When you pull up into passe, make sure you get a high passe and pretend as you pull up you are pushing your other leg down into the floor. Also the tighter you pull your arms in, the faster you may be able to get around.
When you turn, think of yourself as a an ornament with a string in your head. That is how you want to turn. Like you are being pulled up. When you pull up into your turn, do not push yourself to give yourself more momentum, just push straight up.