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20 yrs. old, how to dance?

I'm 20 years old and want to learn to dance. I'm horrible! it's embarassing. Has anyone here learned to dance at 19 years old or above, without knowing how to dance before then? If so , how did you do it? I just want to dance at the club without having to do anything special, but be comfortable while i dance with a lady.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Little by little, start dancing at public places.. you should go to a club with a few freinds you feel comfortable with (preferrably girl friends) and you'll start easing up... look at how the people around you are dancing and try imitating those moves and eventually you'll get the hang of it :) Good Luck!

p.s. dance should be a fun activity.. so don't ever feel embarassed by the way you dance or paranoid if people are looking at you strangely.. dance is a way to express your character