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What do i do if i cant dance?

so i go to this club right, and everytime a girl comes up to me to ask me if i want to dance i say yes. so we go on the dance floor and hip hop is playing and she starts bumping me with her butt. I dont know what to do so i stand straight and i just start hopping in the air. I figure its hip HOP so why dont i HOP? she looks at me weird and walks away. what do i do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do yourself a favor. Learn to dance like this...

Go buy or rent the movie "Hitch" staring Will Smith.

In the movie, Smith's character teaches one of his clients a simple dance. It is a very attractive dance for men. It is simple and easy to copy. It is also a very appropriate dance for all situations like nightclubs, weddings, or parties.
Practice in front of a mirror until you feel very comfortable with the dance. Do not tense up when you are at the club. Just relax and enjoy the music when you dance. You will impress girls when you don't try to impress them.

Girls are not impressed by complicated dance moves. They just want a nice guy to dance with. If she starts bumping you, just continue to dance. Who said you have to do anything?
She is flirting. Just smile at her and dance.

When you are done dancing, always walk her back to her table. Be sure to thank her for dancing with you. Ask her if you can dance again later. It shows interest but does not put her under pressure. Do not bug her or ask her on a date right away. Do not ask for her phone number. Relax and have faith. Smile and be quiet.
She will find you later and give you her number.

The most beautiful girl in the world is waiting for you.
