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How strict is American Ballet Theatre about body types?

I would like to audition for abt's summer program but my body is not ideal for a ballerina. I dont want to be laughed at or ignored. should i bother auditioning? I dont nessesarilay want to get in but i would like auditioning experience.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ABT is less strict that SAB, but they still have their standards. My daughter was able to do a pre- and post-surgery comparison: rejection with a large chest size/ acceptance with a smaller chest size. No ballet-based program will reveal that rejections are made based on body types, but that is a fact of life in the ballet world. That said, do not let that stop you from getting valuable auditioning experience! No one will laugh at you.

I highly recommend that you look into Point Park University's excellent summer program where all body types are accepted and you can still get top-notch ballet training (plus daily classes in modern and jazz).