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Position:Home>Dancing> What grade do you learn 2 do more than 1 pirouette?


What grade do you learn 2 do more than 1 pirouette?

im in inter foundation ballet atm, wot grade do u learn 2 do more than 1 and how do you do them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: its not what grade you are in, its when you have the skill to do one. i had a student do one at the age of 5, and i know a girl who still cannot do more then a single who is almost 21. the best trick i have is to first clean and perfect your single. REMEMBER: a clean single is ALWAYS better then a sloppy double.

once youve got a perfect single, add more force - but not too much, you will know if you are applying too much. ALWAYS spot and never give up. try to center your body and engage your core so that even 40 mph gusts couldn't knock you over! = ) and learn the proper placement of your arms (which is no higher then chest level, no lower then belly button- depending on your teacher and your style). practice them as often as you can - if you want to do it, you can do it.