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What would u like to see in a kick routine?

I need ideas for a kick routine were doing PIRATES so like what kind of kick sequences or moves r piratey we NEEEEED to make it to state we only have 2 more competitions left!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Lots of variety. Maybe the kickline will split into 2 and rotate. Individual kicks maybe in a ripple. Defintily movement. not just a plain kick line. Defintily throw in some downs and mix up the kicks between highs, mids and lows, and also flicks and side kicks. Also a big crowd please is when in a kicline theres a ripple where the person next to each dancer holds their leg down the ripple so in the end everyone is standing on one leg. from my experience thats a big one. but also put in lots of individual kicks or pair kicks