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I cant dance at a regular party, help!?

i can dance cha cha cha, salsa, rhumba, waltz, and a lot of other classical dances, but i also know modern dances like hiphop, pop and lock, rave and breakdancing, but i cant dance at a regular party with a girl, partially because all i know is routines and what goes next and everything thats planned out, but i dont dance to the beat, and dont follow the rythem, i just do different routines to different songs, so where can i go to dance just normal like at a prom, or just a regular house party

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Most parties people are too drunk or high to really know or care what your doing. Bring a good girl friend to a party and ask her to show you how its done. More often then not a pit will get started ( you know where people form a big circle for others to dance in) and you can show off your routines there. It's sort of liek the best of both worlds. Relax and half fun, after all your only young once.