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Position:Home>Dancing> Is dancing reggaeton wrong?


Is dancing reggaeton wrong?

this is not exacly my question. my question is, is it wrong for my boyfriend to dance reggaeton with someone else. I HATE IT. but its like everyone says, its just dancing. but what i think its wrong its that when it coems to me dancing reggaton with someone else besides him he gets PISSED OFF. he says its not the same thing because guys think differently, guys take advantage of the girls. so i get mad becuase its like saying "oh honey im just taking advantage of some1 else, i dont want anyone taking advantage of u!" IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE! . me and him have a very open and trusting relationship. we tell each other everything. lik for example when we started going out i seen my x and we was talking and he kissed me, i dint want him. i told my bf about it and he got a little mad but he said at least i told him. and he tells me everything. like when a girl hits on him or when ..watever we just tell each othe reverything. but that is still a problem i dont like it. but is it really wrong.?

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6 months ago
how can i tell him exacly what my point is. i do tell him but its like he doesnt understand he just sees it as dancing. i dont. i mean i dont like no h03s rubbing thir *** on my mans dick. just talking about it gets me mad!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
how can i tell him exacly what my point is. i do tell him but its like he doesnt understand he just sees it as dancing. i dont. i mean i dont like no h03s rubbing thir *** on my mans dick. just talking about it gets me mad!