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Question for Indians: what's your opinion about belly dance?

Namaste! It looks like, in general, Indians have a very poor opinion of belly dance. I've even read in blogs about demonstrations against it.

Why do you think is the reason for that? I know you have beautiful sacred dances, but this is different.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Bely Dance per se is a fine art.
However belly dance done by a girl from a very financially disadvantaged background with absolutely no idea how to perform it and no training whatsoever, dancing in front of a smoke filled bar room filled with leering drunken men, is where Indians get their idea of Belly dance.
You get the picture? Thats why the opinion is poor. Thats also the reason why the Dance Bars in Mumbai were banned.
The girls, most of them illiterate who earned more money than senior Managers in large companies protested. The Government did not back off. They put their foot down. And enforced the ban.
Once these girls get the greed for money there is a very thin line that stops them from performing other acts with the above mentioned patrons to increase their income.
Yes like I said as an Art form Belly Dance is fine. India has many forms of Dance by way of Art.