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Really tight inner thigh muscles?

ok, I've been taking ballet since i was 3 and my inner thigh muscles have always been super tight and so have my hamstrings. It's really difficult for me to touch my toes with my feet flexed for over like 5 seconds... it used to be worse.. and my inner thigh muscles have always prevented me from doing a "frog" and that yoga position where you bring your feet as close as you can to you and your knees are suposed to touch the ground. but mine never have. does anyone know any kind of stretch that could help me loosen my muscles up so i can become a better dancer?? thank you so much

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you need to look into a stretching technique called PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation). This is a partner stretching technique that "tricks" the nerve endings in the muscles into thinking that the muscle is longer than it actually is, allowing it to stretch further. I use this on a daily basis in my clinic with great success in people who are very inflexible. Look this term up and you will find MANY websites that have some great information that is bound to help you out!