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Never danced other than clubs - how can I learn?

My parents never allowed me to do extra -cirrucular activities- see I cant even spell it.
So I never enjoyed anything growing up.
I have always wanted to dance- other than dancing in clubs.
i would like to learn great moves for dancing in the clubs, salsa,tango anything.
How can I start?
Am I too old to bend certain ways? Am I too fat?
I am 26 years old 5'8 and weigh 168 lbs.
Where do I start?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Your height would actually be an advantage in ballroom, and there you can learn salsa, as well as the dances that really use your height to advantage: tango, waltz & foxtrot, which are all more fun and socially useful than you'd think. And it would be a great way to trim off that extra thirty pounds. I lost twenty with no problem that way. Sign up for some lessons and you'll find you're one of the younger people in class.