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Position:Home>Dancing> My arm is sore and swollen from push ups ;[ wat should i do?


My arm is sore and swollen from push ups ;[ wat should i do?

and i have a performance this saturday too and i can barely move

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Stop the push ups and rest. Ice it for 20 min and heat for about an hour. The ice shrinks the veins and tendons making it less swollen and the heat opens up the veins and tendons allowing more blood to run through (ice prevents too much blood from flowing) so it can heal. but you need a little bit of both, ice, so the swelling will go down and heat so blood runs through. i would also suggest Arnica Montana, a homeopathic medicine that eases muscle soreness, bruises and swelling. I would take it orally and get the gel kind so you can massage your arm with it. I would also take it easy in class and rehearsal so you dont further injure yourself.