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The hype about pointe dancing?

im 19, i took ballet then quit. my feet are obviously developed, my pointe shoes come tomorrow. do you think i can teach myself?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Makenzie, I'm very worried about you, sweetie. I've been going over your 94 questions plus some of your answers and your life seems to be spiraling out of control. Just on this matter of pointe dancing, you already asked this a month ago and most of the people, including the voters' best answer, told you that you can't teach yourself pointe because you could hurt yourself.

Meanwhile, your GPA slipped last semester, you've become obsessed about your already low weight, you're a vegetarian who hates soy and most vegetables, and yet you wonder why you get lightheaded and blurred vision when you climb four flights of stairs. And then on top of it all, you were grappling with depression by the end of the semester. Don't you see that you have to take better care of yourself?!

Last semester you said that you were taking 7 hours of dance a week. Frankly, that is not enough if you're thinking of becoming a professional. (Or was your saying "I'm trying to make it professionally in dancing" just a cover when you sought "Weight Loss" advice?) It sounds as though none of those classes are in ballet, which also doesn't make sense for someone who is trying to be a professional. You've said in the past that your college doesn't offer pointe, but most college ballet teachers still allow their intermediate and advanced students to wear pointe shoes in class in such (non-pointe) programs. I don't understand why you're so bent on learning pointe when you're avoiding taking ballet class.

Makenzie, I think the best thing you could be doing for yourself would be to pull yourself away from all this faux socializing on-line and get more involved with school. If it's too late to sign up for a ballet class, then join a dance club on campus. It would also be great if you could consult your campus health services to see if they provide counseling. You sound like a very smart girl; you deserve much better than how you're treating yourself.