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Position:Home>Dancing> I need to learn dances for my first school dance. Please tell me some good dance


I need to learn dances for my first school dance. Please tell me some good dances for a high school dance...?

what whould i do when i'm grinding with a girl? What do i do if i get a hard-on??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: High school dancing only has two types of dance, grinding and the penguin/waddle dance. When there is a slow song, you do the penguin/waddle dance and when there is something with a strong beat i.e. everything else probably, you grind. Honestly, there is little chance that anyone knows more than those two things unless you happen to have some ballroom or swing dancers in the crowd. From my high school days, about 5 years ago, this is very unlikely.

I always call it the penguin or waddle dance because it is pretty much all you are doing. Basically, you are going in a small circle very slowly. She usually rests her head or arm on you as you hold her around waist level with one or two hands. Usually, the small of her backs works or her side if she is comfortable with you doing that. After you got that all set up, you basically alternate between putting weight on your right or left foot and then moving the other slightly. You do this (roughly) every beat or every two beats depending on how slow you want to make it. Most people don't even keep time when they do this kind of slow dance.

Grinding is pretty self-explanitory. You are just moving your hips and bending your knees in time to the music along with the girl in very close quarters. You eventually get a rhythm going, and it is all fun for the remainder of the song *sarcasm*. I find grinding extremely dull and repetitive because it doesn't deal with much more than keeping a beat and moving your body in time. The getting erection thing was never a problem for me when I used to dance like that, but I have faith that the problem can be remedied by simply giving her some space from your pelvis. You can flirt on the dance floor without touching, and it actually makes things look sexier if you are more subtle with what you do.

If you want a simple crash course in dancing, I posted this to an earlier question: The key is to loosen up your body and listen to the music then use the music as the guide for how you use your body. If you can sit down and tap your foot to the beat, you have more rhythm than than most people, and it gives you a foundation for dancing. Spend time just listening to the music and how it changes as it plays. When you start playing with the nuances of the music, you can begin hearing where there are steps, hip rolls, and all other kinds of moves. After you have the ability to pick out what you like in the music and hear the moves, start moving. You can do this while doing household chores or wherever you feel comfortable. Invite a friend over to show you just one or two moves and practice them over and over throughout the day as you listen to whatever song is on. Keep that up for a week and then learn another move or two.