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New York City Ballet vs. American Ballet Theater?

Can anyone give me some compare/contrast between NYCB and ABT? I know that abt mostly does story ballets, and nycb, founded by balanchine, mostly does his work and other modern ballets, but are there any other big differences? Thanks!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: another notable difference is body type. As you said NYCB is balanchine style, which uses dancers with long legs, arms, necks, as wel as amazing extension, rather tall, and stick thin. ABT requires a dancers body, just not as physically demanding as their rivals. Both companies produce wonderful dancers. It is also noted that both have schools, NYCB has SAB (school of american ballet) and ABT has Jackie O (Jackie Kenedy Onasis School)
I personally prefer ABT, but such a choice is mainly opinion.