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Irish Step Dancer?

I have been a step dancer since I was seven, but had to quit to go to college. I want to continue dancing, but not compete. Do you know any dancers in the Boston area who would take me in?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm pretty sure that just about any school would take you in if you explained that you didn't wish to compete. ID isn't all about competing.

Any way, some schools that I know of around Boston are:

O'Shea-Chaplin Academy of Irish Dance
Cunniffe Academy of Irish Dance

And I *THINK* Trinity also has a school some where out there as well as McTeggart but I'm not completly sure abou those two.

For one thing because you are an older dancer (you said your in college so I'm guessing your going to be dancing in the &O) Trininty wouldn't be the best choice because a lot of the time they focus on children they can build up to become qualifires.

Good luck!