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Why dont boys do ballet?

My son has done ballet now for 3 yrs and totally loves it but he hates the fact he is the only boy in his school that does ballet. Why havent we after all these years learnt that its ok for a boy to dance.
Its a real shame you should see how happy it makes him everyweek to go to his lesson.

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6 months ago
I think some people here didnt read the question.
He loves ballet
Iam not complaining about the amount of boys at the studio its just there is no one from his school that does it. I just wanted to comment on the lack of boys that do it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
I think some people here didnt read the question.
He loves ballet
Iam not complaining about the amount of boys at the studio its just there is no one from his school that does it. I just wanted to comment on the lack of boys that do it.