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Confidence Problem?

i'm the only girl on my dad's side (among first cousins). i mostly go out with my bro and my guy cousin who aren't such great dancers. everytime i have a friend (that's a girl) come over for a vacation, i dance with her. it's more fun dancing with someone who KNOWS HOW to dance. so it practically sucks when you have parents who say that i have no confidence because i can only dance if a friend is around. that's the thing. it sucks. b/c i really want the confidence to dance alone. how do i do that without being humiliated?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ignore what they say about your confidence. You are the one who defines how much confidence you have, not them. To me, it sounds like you have plenty of confidence, because you say you prefer to dance with someone who's better dancer. If you didn't have confidence, you'd prefer the opposite - dancing with someone who sucks, just to make you look better. LOL. It's just very hard to come up with a good answer and prove people wrong when they say stuff like you don't have confidence or you don't have courage ets. If you prefer company for dancing over the lack of thereof it doesn't mean you don't have confidence. Maybe you prefer your dancing to be a social activity, that's all?