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Splits Question??

I'm close to my right splits and i need to do it by April. Help! What are some streches i can do so i can get them soon? Thanks guys...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: this stretch really helped me to get my splits in like 3 weeks!.
first if u are doing your right leg splits tuck your right knee under your body and face the way u wold if u were goin down in your splits. bring your left leg out like u r doing the splits but keep you right leg tucked in forward under your body. now go as far down as you can until it hurts when it starts too hurt hold it there for about a minute. do this bout 3 times on each leg every nite and it will help so0o0o much!
P.S~ i kno its hard and i kno what ur goin thru cause i had to get my right and left leg splits for dance team tryouts last year in about 3 weeks but once u get your splits it fells so0o0o good to accually have them and it makes a much more confident dancer!!!!GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!