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Position:Home>Dancing> What was mr.holland's opus? how is that tern used in the title to this film?


What was mr.holland's opus? how is that tern used in the title to this film?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's a film. An opus is a musical piece.

Richard Dreyfuss plays Mr Holland, a composer who takes what he intends to be a temporary job as a teacher, and puts aside his plans to compose.
He turns out to be a very gifted teacher that has a way of reaching his students and turning them onto music.
He finds himself teaching for many years, but is frustrated that his "opus" is never completed, and feels unfulfilled.

However, eventually his many grateful pupils, put on a special performance of the opus he composed to celebrate his hard work with them over the years.

The title thus both refers to the actual composition, but also his students are being his "opus".

I have included a link to the film below.

There is a musical foundation with this name too, presumably inspired by the movie.