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Beginning dance...flexibility, turnout, arch?

I'm a freshman in college and I'm about to take a dance class at school. I don't have much dance experience...ballet for two years when I was younger, plus middle school danceline and clogging (yes, clogging) for 4 years. I love to dance, though, and I used to be pretty flexible. I absolutely love ballet and realize I'm starting late but I'd love to get into it a little more. What are some good exercises I could do to work on the arch of my feet, turnout, and general flexibility? If you have any tips, please let me know. :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are some good exercises I could do to work on the arch of my feet, turnout, and general flexibility?

Arch of your feet -- do it often and keep your toes flexed in every exercise you do but remember to balance that with flexing your heel as a muscle is stretched/strengthened by both motions.

Turnout -- this is tough though making sure you have correct body posture while trying to do it is important. If your legs are naturally inclined to turn inward, it will be tougher but not impossible. Pleas in second position as well as leg-lifts in this position will help. In the beginning, use a flexed heel until you build your strength and move toward toes pointed. You are loosining muscle (increasing flexibility) while building muscle so the two must be balanced equally -- don't work more than the other.

Flexibility -- anything that is tight -- slowly start to stretch. If you feel sharp pain it often times is not your muscles that are tight but your nerves which takes longer to stretch. Your nerves may be what is making it seem as if you aren't as flexible as you'd like to be instead of your muscles. Be patient and DO NOT bounce as you stretch. Start slow (who cares if you can't get your foot on the barre at first in the poper way) and realize it is a slow process to regain / retain flexibility.

Again, pleas are good in all ballet positions. Don't forget floor work as well: anything that stretches muscle/nerves is good -- just don't over-do it -- BE PATIENT! Form is always more important to how flexible you can be -- i.e. touch your toes -- keep your knees slightly bent and a straight back which is more difficult than just doing it the easy way and accomplishing your "'goal" of touching your toes. This is an analogy, of course.

Drink lots of water (8, 8oz. glasses of water) to be sure your body is properly hydrated and that you always do a "cool down" routine afterwards -- walking after is good to keep the soreness away which is lactic fluid build-up.

Never stretch without warming up with 5 minutes or more of cardio or some other activity.

I hate to sound trite, but googling "increasing flexibility" on sites which focus on physical therapy are probably the best sources.