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Position:Home>Dancing> Does anyone have some advice for creating your own dance routines?


Does anyone have some advice for creating your own dance routines?

what are some good tip to have a creative and original dance routine?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First find a song that you or your group agree on. Picture dancing to the song in your head and make sure that the beat is not too fast or too slow. If you're not feeling creative with a certain song then don't force it. Pick another one. As far as the choreography, you have to make sure that it flows with the song. If the song has a strong/hard beat, consider sharp and flashy movements. If the song is more soft and mellow, then one step should flow smoothly into the next. Stay away from too many small movements in your 8cts. If you're performing in front of the audience, BIGGER is always better because it will hold the audiences attention. If you want something original try to avoid just sticking with moves that you're familiar with. Go in the mirror and try a variety of ways to pose your body. They don't necessarily have to look "pretty", just interesting. Invent new steps or a new combo. of steps to make it refreshing and original.

Hope this helps.