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Position:Home>Dancing> I m a computer engineer but as everybody says do for what u are passionate about


I m a computer engineer but as everybody says do for what u are passionate about i m a very talented dancer?

i m a girl ,23,indian...i hv not learn it from anywhere but want to..basically i m a classical dancer.can i do something in this field?
i m really very good at dancing and really enjoy it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can you be happy being just an engineer? That's the important question.

To relate to myself, I was a business major and a good one. I found that I had a talent for public speaking in particular. I would have made a great corporate ladder climber. However, I knew this wouldn't make me happy. I left the college and went back somewhere else; I decided to use those public speaking skills in front of high school freshmen. It isn't always pretty, but I don't regret my decision.

My advice? Imagine ten years, twenty years from now. Can you imagine yourself smiling as just an engineer? If not, give the dancing a go. I'm sure you could save up enough as an engineer to give the dancing thing a whirl for at least a few months.