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Position:Home>Dancing> Does anyone know how to dance cumbias?? please help me...?


Does anyone know how to dance cumbias?? please help me...?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not a Latin dance expert by any means, but check out YouTube for the vast variety of cumbias. The one I'm familiar with is the Colombian cumbia--the basic step is a ball change on the spot (weight on the ball of one foot, step flat on the other, repeat). Exaggerate the way your hips and shoulders naturally want to move (hip goes to supporting leg side, shoulders do a slow shimmy w/ the music). The typical version taught in ballroom classes is a step-together-step (RLR, LRL, repeating). The dance and the music have an interesting history:

A great video that explains some dance history and shows some kids learning a dance which makes it easy to follow: