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Where can I find cheap dance classes if I am a beginner?

I am already 15, so I know it is strange to start late like me but there must be others my age who have taken interest in dance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is never to late to start dancing. I started taking dance classes last year (when I was 14) and found no problems.
Depending on the teacher they may want you to go in a class aimed at younger kids or put you in a adult beginner class if they have one.
As for cost it all depends what style you are interested in, most community centres offer a variety of dance classes for cheap and they're usually pretty good for beginner dancers.
When I started dance I just looked through the ad's in the leisure guide and phone book and talked to lots of teachers till I found a class that suited me.
I hope that's helpful, good luck! :)