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Position:Home>Dancing> HELP! I have been dancing for a few months now and i'm still getting really brea


HELP! I have been dancing for a few months now and i'm still getting really breathless?

I'm dancing at a show this month and im scared i may get too brethless and therefore i won't be able to perform as well as i have in mind. How can i stop getting so breathless??

P.S.. (Im 6 and a half stone so it has nothing to do with my weight i don't think )

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: same here. the thing is no matter how fit you are your always gunna get out of breath from working ur heart out.

its like even the fittest dancer doing a quick or long dance is gonna have their heart thumping.

you might be lik me(i have mild asthma but that doesnt effect me much) and wen i dance i forget to breath lol sounds stupid but its tru. ma dance teacher recognised this and now she describes wen u breath according to the momment or move, if u get dat

. so just really think about breathing and calm urself down at any short interval and just think that u must breathe

. also some people can get to worked out for wot their doing so just make sure that u have a reality check that really u shudnt be dieing of a simple leap or summin and dat u r okay, hope dis helped gd luck

break a leg!! ..*x.Xo.*x