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What do I wear and what do I bring at ballet lessons?

Im 14 and I really want to start dance and ballet, but I have NO experience except for cheerleading. Some of my friends do ballet and i really want to do dance but i dont want to look like a poser either. I need to know what to do so i dont make a complete fool of my self.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For most ballet studios they have a set dress code. You will look the most proffesional in a black leotard, pink footed tights and ballet slippers. (canvas or leather) If you wanted to go the extra mile you could ask for ribbons when you buy your shoes. Here is an example of how to tie ribbons:
When you get the ribbon you can cut it in half once and before putting on your shoes you can slip the ribbon under your foot and tie as shown above. Remember to tuck in the knot! If you have difficulty with that you can ask someone at any dance store.
Most ballet studios allow warmups for the beginning of class, but usually not throughout the entire class. This can include sweatshirts, shirts, camesoles, skirts, shorts and legwarmers. Sometimes they will allow you to wear shorts throughout the class.
For hair you should follow these steps to get a neat bun:
Put your hair in a medium ponytail.
Wrap it around into a bun and secure it with a ponytail holder.
Wrap a hair net around the bun and secure it with bobby pins. To hide the bobby pins you can use a large scrunchie or two.
Lastly, finish it off with hairspray or gel to come up with a secure bun.
Good luck! Ballet's a blast, but it's hard work!