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Position:Home>Dancing> How do i dance @ a club???


How do i dance @ a club???

Im a guy in college and im going to a club tomorrow and i dont know how to really approach a girl and dance with her..nor do i know how to dance

the music will be the hip-hop/reggae feel

also how do i get over the fear of everyone in the club "looking and staring at me bc i look and feel like an idiot"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Just listen to the beat of the music and let it guide you. If you have completely no rhythm then look at the other people around you and copy. If you're lucky enough to find a girl who'll let you grind on her then you've got it made as that's basically just one motion, plus she won't be watching you dance. Have a couple drinks as soon as you get there, that'll help a lot with your confidence. Good luck!