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Can you start ballet classes at 14 with no previous experience in ballet?

Is 14 too old to start ballet classes? I also wanted to know how long does it take to start pointe? Is it possible to do normal ballet for 1 year and then start pointe? I really want to do ballet but am worried about joining a class and being stuck with a bunch of 7yr olds. I don't mind so much doing the classes with people that are younger than me, but can you imagine what the end of year concert would be like? Opinion wanted!!!

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5 months ago
I havn't done ballet before but have done styles of dance that are similar. I have very strong legs too (if that helps lol). I need to be more flexible too, is that hard? THanx

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 months ago
I havn't done ballet before but have done styles of dance that are similar. I have very strong legs too (if that helps lol). I need to be more flexible too, is that hard? THanx