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I wanna become a dancer when I'm older. Help!?????

My mom was told by my teacher that I was the best dancer in class. I live and breathe dance, I even jete (a ballet leap) across the house. Should I follow my dreams and go for it, or should I do a more life-long profession when I'm older. I'm only 12, so I've got time to think. But still, I want answers!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: At age 12 you don't have that much time to think - the time is NOW. You will need a great teacher, perfect body type(for ballet/dance) and an incredible amount of talent to make it. Now is the time to push hard and keep working. If your parents can afford it take all the summer workshops you can. Work and hope for success, but be prepared to be disappointed. Competition with female dancers is ferocious and 99.% of girls who start dance do not make a career of it. I wish you the best of luck and I will be here to answer questions as they come up....