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Position:Home>Dancing> Adult dance lessons around New Braunfels, TX?


Adult dance lessons around New Braunfels, TX?

My husband & I are interested in learning to dance, but don't know where to go. I have been to In the Mood Ballroom in Temple TX and it was awesome. Anyone know of something like that around here?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are ballroom classes being given at the ACCD colleges. Try St. Philips College in SA or Northeast Lakeview College in Universal City. Also, there is a great little dance studio in Universal City called Mary Lou's School of Dance (on Pat Booker and Coronado) that gives ballroom lessons, as well as lessons in all kinds of other dances for people of all ages. You could take an adult tap or bellydancing class there too. I don't know of anyplace that's really good that's closer to New Braunfels, but I know some people who live in New Braunfels who go to NLC or Mary Lou's for dance.