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Position:Home>Dancing> What do you think of contortion?


What do you think of contortion?

Why do a lot of people find it disturbing?

((If you have no idea what contortion is here are some video clips))

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think it is amazing. It is amazing what the human body can do with talent and training are put together. I watched a couple of shows and I awlays go, like, Wow, what's next? They tied themselved in a knot already.

I think people find it disturbing because they sort of "follow" the contortionist with their minds. If you observe yourself while you are watching TV and someone is eating delicious food there, you might find yourself swallowing your saliva too. If you are listening to a good song you might find yourself sub-vocalysing i.e. moving your vocal cords without making sounds. When people watch contortionists their minds try to follow. This is maybe why they find it disturbing. Another possible explanation - people with poor flexibility but big egos find that it makes them look deficient, haha.

As always, thanks for the really cool links.