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Position:Home>Dancing> What sort of music would be required for a modern ballroom dance?


What sort of music would be required for a modern ballroom dance?

My sister is needding some ideas of music that would be needed in a modern ballroom dance for a project thagt she will be startin at the start of febuary, actually in a couple of weeks?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are two types of dance that is called Modern. In one case, Ballroom and Modern are synonyms and can be used interchangeably. There is a different style of dancing that is Modern Ballet that is often referred to as Modern. Before you give her advice double-check which Modern is she referring to. If you mean "modern" as simply opposite to "outdated" - below are a couple of links.

You can find a lot of Ballroom music samples (with an option to buy CDs) on and

Ballroom has pretty strict tempo requirements. The above websites have put that into consideration; these albums are owned by many ballroom studios and competition organizers. You can check the tempi on