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Position:Home>Dancing> Does anyone know of a good hip-hop beat we can get online, that doesn't have wor


Does anyone know of a good hip-hop beat we can get online, that doesn't have words? (or a good routine)?

Me and my friend are doing a hip-hop dance thing and are thinking of entering it in a talent show. We started on a routine, but then couldn't find a song to fit it, so instead we decided we'd find a song and then do the routine. We want a hip-hop song with a good beat, but we don't want to have to deal with words. The reason being because then you have to do moves that go along with the words. (Okay, you don't have to, but it'll look wierd if you don't.) Also, if you happen to know of a good routine that could give us inspiration, please post. Thanks. =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's best to find a song FIRST and then do a routine. That way you can start to imagine what moves will go well with the song. Even if it doesn't have words, the beats still tend to creat a picture in your mind of what the dance should look like. Just go to limewire and put in the song you want, but add "instrumental" to your search. They have plenty to choose from.