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Is it too late to start learning ballet at 25?

I've always wanted to learn- but never had an opportunity. Is this a discipline you have to learn as a child- or can an adult learn? Do you think any ballet teachers would be willing to work with a novice adult?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are many levels to your questions. Physically, the question is more of an individual one than an age one. Yes there are teachers who will work with you, they may be harder to find, you may have to work around your embarrassment, you would be better off if you already love and are skilled in other forms of dance, your chances to become a professional are probably very slim. But your chances of learning something that gives you Joy in every movement you make from now on are great, also the chance to have others appreciate this art you give to life are also great. The question I really think you are asking is, "I always wanted to,,, what if I don't?" The risks are great, but will strengthen your character regardless. The question to ask yourself is, "How great a cost will my regret be, if I never try?" Break a leg! (And let us know if you'd like a cheering section at your first recital!! LOL)