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Position:Home>Dancing> What do you do to balance yourself, so that you can breakdance?


What do you do to balance yourself, so that you can breakdance?

i can't seem to do windmills because of my weight below my chest

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you may need to curl up more and straighten in the last second before your hips turn over. try to keep your legs at a 45 degree angle from floor maybe your not holding your legs in the rigt possition.
incline push ups help ( feet up higher on something)
you can try placing yourself in a push up position... back straight...
legs appart and lift one leg and hold a few seconds and the other and hold then one hand out and hold and the other and hold. Then you try lifting your right hand out and your left leg out and hold. repeat other side. this will increase your balance and strengthen your innercore. winmills are hard. check out and see if there is an instructional video on this sight:
or click2dance
one of them sells seperate moves on dvd.
good luck