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Through The Decades?

Our Youth to Youth camp theme this year is "throuth the decades" and i am teaching a dance workshop and i was wondering what dances were really popular in the 70's 80's and 90's that are appropriate to teach the kids? they're 6th - 9th graders

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, for the 70's, you could teach them the Hustle. It was a very popular couples' line dance back in the day. You know that song called the Hustle by Van McCoy (do the hustle)? That's the song they did it to. It's pretty simple, and I'm sure you could find a how-to guide.

For the 80's, break dancing was popular, and I bet there are still a few kids who do that, so maybe they could teach the others a few basic break dancing moves. If you think that's maybe too dangerous, you could show them the moonwalk. It's really not that hard to do if you're wearing the right shoes.

The 90's was an odd decade (I thought so even when I was a teenager in the 90's). The big thing back then was a mosh pit, but that probably isn't the best thing to teach young kids how to do. Maybe you could turn on a cheesy 90's dance song like "Eveerybody Dance Now" and show them the Running Man, the Roger Rabbit, and that one move where you grab your ankle and jerk it behind you a couple times. That's my favorite move!!