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Need Help Badly With Weight?

My dance teacher says I need to drop about twenty pounds. I suck at dieting and I have no real experience in the matter. If I can drop these pounds, I can get a better part and I will be more respected as a dedicated dancer. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Anytime I see weight questions posted under the Dance category I become a little suspicious due to the tendency of many dancers to obsess about weight in an unhealthy manner. The reason for this suspicion is that dance teachers have virtually no business telling their students to lose weight. Only the teachers of professional dance companies or elite ballet schools can get away with doing that. Anyone else is a bad dance teacher.

Sure enough, you posted under the Diseases & Conditions category that you suffer from anorexia. So you're either playing mind games with yourself, or you're playing games with the people on Yahoo Answers in order to get responses that feed into your self-perception that you are overweight. The guy who told you that you need professional help is 100% correct and I pray to God that you tell your parents about your anorexia. They love you and anorexia is not something that you can handle by yourself.

Also, I don't care if you were 5'4" and 140 pounds - no dance teacher should be telling you to lose weight! That is only for your doctor to be telling you! If you've got a dance teacher who is telling you this, please find another teacher or studio, as you are in a very unhealthy situation.

Anyone else who responds with tips on how you can lose weight is aiding and abetting an accidental suicide!