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Why isint Ballet listed as a sport?

ballet classes are just as hard a football, or harder.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: While it's true that ballet is not a sport, it most definitely is a form of physical education. If you're trying to get your school to grant you phys.ed. credit for ballet, you have an excellent case. Dance provides just as much of a work-out as a sport, plus it instills the same respect for practicing hard and working together as a group.

On the other hand, just because dance involves lots of physical activity, don't try to lower it to the standards of the sports-obsessed mentality of our culture. There is a reason why they say that sports is "just a game," because it's essentially meaningless. When all is said and done, a score only says which side played better at the time, while the arts can communicate about virtually anything that you can imagine and have the ability to relay new meanings for generations of audiences. Ask yourself how often you'd want to see the same game of football played over and over.