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Position:Home>Dancing> I have difficulties doing a double turn. I need advise.?


I have difficulties doing a double turn. I need advise.?

I find it hard doing a double turn. I usually fell down when trying to do it. What would you advise me to do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First you have to perfect your single turn. If you cannot execute your single turn without ending in balance and placing your foot down on the floor--not landing quickly so you don't fall--then you will have trouble with the double. Practice your single over and over and perfect them so your body will be in complete control through the entire turn.

Here are some ways to help improve your turns:

your head--spot quickly and precisely, keeping the same spot with each rotation, don't let your spot "drift".
your upper body--keep you stomach muscles tight and firm, keep you rib cage in line, squeeze your buttocks, keep a good firm tension in all of it.
your arms--make sure your arms are in correct preparation and execution positions. Keep your movements strong, but do not whip them around, this will pull your upper body out of place. Keep the shoulders pressing down, don't lift them.
your legs--make sure you are centered in the plie' that is your preparation. Push off the floor and keep your supporting leg straight (unless your doing a jazz turn and your teacher asks for it in plie') and keep your foot in releve'--don't turn on your heel-- The working leg should pull up to the passe quickly and tightly, holding a firm passe during the entire turn, remember to keep pressing your turn out but don't allow the hip to pop up (unless you are doing a jazz turn-keep the leg turned in but watch the hip so you don't lift it)
These tips should help no matter how many rotations you are doing.