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Position:Home>Dancing> How can i learn to do my turns without being in front of a mirror?


How can i learn to do my turns without being in front of a mirror?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Les tours de 㩴ude sans miroir peuvent auctually 㪴re tr㨳 simples. Vous juste devez apprendre comment rep㨲er. D'abord, s㩬ectionner un objet que vous pouvez concentrer dessus. Puis, commencer votre pirouette, tournant votre t㪴e autour rapidement, distillateur regardant l'objet. La clef est de pratiquer, pratiquer, prcatice et vous l'obtiendrez par la suite.

Learning turns without a mirror can auctually be very simple. You just have to learn how to spot. First, pick an object that you can concentrate on. Then, begin your pirouette, spinning your head around quickly, still looking at the object. The key is to practice, practice, prcatice and you will eventually get it.