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I'm really close to the splits but i have to do them by the end of febuary.So any streches for the side splits? Thanks everyone

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: umm i answered your question last time but ill try to help even more i guess...

well the book one i think really helps but besides that when u watch tv just go into the splits position (during commercial time) and then after commercial u can rest then the next time you can switch legs

and do it everyday

u can also try to do it this way:
do a high kick and when u come down go right into the splits,but becareful not to hurt yourself and also this one has to be fast( my friend used this method and did the splits)

if you can do the splits:
go into splits then have someone (or if u can do it yourself) to get your back leg and hold it up but it has to be bent or it would be weird then u will be in a perfect split

you can also try this:
when u go down have your arms straight and catch yourself when u are on the ground but put your hands on the ground before you reach the split position(this is just a better stretch)

remember to practice it