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Position:Home>Dancing> What is the best way to fix flat feet? My feet have no arch and I am a dancer! I


What is the best way to fix flat feet? My feet have no arch and I am a dancer! I need help!!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What supports the arch? Muscles and ligaments. Do what SuperMer said. The exersise with a towel is great. Also, do the exersise when you do this: point your foot, then flex it starting at the arch and continuing with your toes. Then point it again starting from the middle section and finishing with your toes. It is like making the waves with your foot. Also, buy yourself special insoles with the arch support. No, farmacy won't carry them. Whatever they have is not good enough. You will have to go to a place that makes orthtopedic stuff. Contrary to popular belief, those arch supports are not there to just reduce the discomfort especially if you don't have any, but to "teach" your feet better habits. Once your muscles learn to support the arch properly it will be in much better shape. You can't really fix it because the ligaments that support the arch have already stretched and you can't undo it. But if your feet are strong this is what will provide the arch support.