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Pointe shoes, please help!!!!!!!?

I really want my pointe shoes!!!!! I am 14 and I have been dancing since I was 3. I quit for two years[long story] and i finally got back in in Sept. My teacher says that i will get my shoes in May or June, but that was right at when i started. How do i know if i will get them soon? Today[thursday feb.15] i had a real bad dance lesson. i was messing up so badly at warm-ups. I was good at the other stuff. Will this affect me in any way from getting my shoes?? What if i have other bad days??? Please help!!!!!!! i desperately want them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks! xo

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That is SO exciting that you will be getting your pointe shoes!

It sounds to me like your teacher was right when she said May or June. You are over the age limit (12) and have been dancing for a long time. You teacher is probably just waiting until May or June because she wants you to build you muscles back up.

I don't think having a bad day at dance will affect when you get them. Everyone has there days when they can't hit a count, can't hit that second pirouette, or even get their feet to do what they want. (In fact, I just had an awful turning day, couldn't even hit 2!) I think what may affect you is how you handle that bad day. If you shake it off, your teacher may see that you realize you've made some mistakes, but you realize it's ok to have a bad day.

Is it just you getting the shoes or the whole class? If the whole class is getting their pointe shoes the same time as you, you may see a difference in your barre work. She may make you do some different excercises that will work your legs harder to prepare you.

I'm just curious as if your teacher is giving them to you or she will give you permission to get them in June. (Sounds to me like she's giving them to you.) Either way, just make sure you get them fitted by someone who knows what they are doing. If not you could screw your feet up, and we don't want that.

Good Luck!