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Position:Home>Dancing> When a GIRL GRINDS (dance) HOW DO THEY STAND?



1. Are girls suposes to stand with their legs apart or together.
2. I saw some people lean over and move their hips but how do you know if a boy wants you to do that
3. How do you know when a boy wants you to face him or face away from him
4. How do you grind when you are facing the boy
5. Is the boy likely to put his hands on your hips

Sorry about all the questions but could you just give me a step to step guide on how to grind including all the answers to these question please, I would be very grateful AND BEFORE ANYONE ASKES I AM OLD ENOUGH TO GRIND AND ITS NOT DISGUSTING ITS THE CULTURE OF HOW PEOPLE DANCE IN WHERE MY PARENTS ORIGINATE AND WHERE IT STARTED SO I THINK ITS QUITE RUDE PEOPLE SAYING THAT

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5 months ago
but i need to know HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE BOY WANTS can you give me an example of what he might do if he wanted me to turn round for example

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 months ago
but i need to know HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE BOY WANTS can you give me an example of what he might do if he wanted me to turn round for example