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What do you think is harder?

Which do you think is harder and why, gymnastics or dance?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't think you can compare the two very easily. I've done both, in fact I still dance. Both require a lot of physical strenght and flexibility if you are doing it a serious level. You can't compare gymnastics at Olympics to club dancing and say dancing is easier. If you have to compare, compare gymnastics to competitive dancing.

Flips are not any harder than pirouettes, it is just different. Often enough, you get to do crazy things almost like flips in dancing but you do them to music and next to your partner(s).

However, there aren't too many different styles to gymnastics - there is a set number of events and certain moves that you just have to be able to do or else. In this regard, dancing is broader and thus more accepting. But it is just as strict if not more strict if you are talking about serious forms like ballet - you have to be able to do certain things or else ... else you switch to an easier more forgiving style of dance. Don't be fooled by the weightless airy look of a ballerina - she is just as strong if not stronger than a gymnast. And all the injuries in dancing are similar to those of contact sports.