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Tap pointe shoes?

I just saw tap pointe shoes on sale on this website. Ive never seen them before has anyone else, or am I just out of the loop? and if you have seen them can you show me a link to someone actually dancing in them please

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yea i have there is only one person who does it in my town she is like 80 but it is really neat to watch... have you ever seen crazy for you.. it is a musical... if you have during the number stiff upper lip...people all get on the table in the center and take turns dancing one girl gets up and is doing that pointe tap thing it is really cool that lady came to my school to teach someone in my musical how to do it for our show. i couldn't find a video of it but i know what you are talking about...the shoes were made a little bit different the taps were on the top of the box and one other pace but i don't remember where