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What are some good ideas for a 8th grade dance?

well my school is having a 8th grade dance and iam kidda planning it and i don"t want it to suck like last years dance !!!
(p.s)i didn"t plan it last year the teachers did

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Music is #1, try to get some ideas for what to play by asking those who plan on attending. You can't make everybody happy, but at least play a few songs that will please the crowd.

Nothing makes dance suck worse than bad music - consider hiring a professional DJ, but make sure to give them some input on what to play.

Secondly decorations - simpler is usually better - don't waste a bunch of time hanging tinsel from every surface - get some colored lights (the dj might be able to help out with that) and maybe do some simple but bold decorations.

Thirdly - getting people to come, this is only eighth grade, and kids are going to be pretty awkward - try to make it fun for everyone by not necessarily making it a big 'date' type of thing, and letting everyone relax and enjoy themselves.

Good luck!